High Score Science Candidates from the Engineering Professional Countermeasures
摘要: 近年来一些有望培养成为顶尖科技人才的高考理科状元和高分考生,纷纷逃离关系到国家科技发展水平的传统工科专业,这值得引起国家教育部门的高度重视,有必要对其采取积极有效的应对措施:化生源大战为培养顶尖科技人才竞赛,明确高校人才培养的定位和责任,采取有效的考核措施来推进高校人才培养;调整政策,引导和吸引高分考生;以爱国主义引导学生,树立健康的价值观,从而为加速高校顶尖科技人才选拔培养提供生源保障。Abstract: In recent years some science and technology high score students and champions in college entrance examination who are expected to be trained to become top talents fled from the majors related to the development of national science and technology, which is worth to be noticed by the education sector, and it is necessary to take positive and effective corresponding measures. Talent students contest war should be turned into a contest of training elites for science and technology, and patriotism and a healthy value outlook should be implanted in the education of college candidates.