A Study on Medical Security and Seeking Medical Treatment Behavior of Migrant Worker
摘要: 农民工作为中国城市建设的重要力量,在实现小康社会的道路上发挥着重要作用,但其医疗保障状况却令人担忧。农民工群体的健康需求和医疗保障已成为一个突出的急待解决的社会问题。医疗保障制度作为分散和转移社会所有成员因疾病而产生的收入风险的制度体系,对人们的健康需求与医疗需求产生着重要的影响。就医行为作为人们健康需求的引申需求,受到各种因素的制约。以健康需求理论为基础,采用实证研究对农民工医疗保障情况与就医行为的相关性进行分析,得出结论:农民工拥有医疗保险的情况因人而异,医疗保障对农民工的就医行为有显著影响,现行医疗保险对农民工的政策存在制约。Abstract: As the main stream for urban construction, migrant workers play an important role in the process of realizing a well-off society. But their medical security situation is worrisome. The demands for medical and health security have become a problem yet to be solved. As a system dispersing and transferring of all social members' revenue risks generated by disease, medical security plays an important role in demanding of health and medical-care. As an extended need of people's health need, seeking medical treatment is subject to restriction of various factors. Based on the health need theory,the present empirical study explores the correlation between medical security and seeking medical treatment behavior. The results are as follows: the situation of migrant workers' possession of health insurance varies,medical security has notable effect on seeking medical treatment behavior,and current medical insurance policy still constraints the policy of migrant workers.