ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Status Quo of Trans-department Knowledge Collaboration in Public Fields in China:Based on a Small Survey to Employees in Public Institutions

  • 摘要: 公共部门间及公共部门与私人部门和个人的合作已经成为当前公共管理的重点和难点。从知识协作的角度探讨了公共领域中的跨部门协作,运用实证分析的方法对中国公共事务处理中的知识协作现状进行了全面深入的描述性分析,得出公共部门知识协作的动因按重要性依次为:提高公共服务的效率和质量、制定更为科学有效的公共政策以及更加智慧地解决复杂社会问题。研究发现,阻碍公共部门内部知识协作的主要障碍是缺乏统一的信息,而阻碍公共部门与外部组织及个人进行知识协作的主要障碍是协作时的利益难以协调;组织在决定是否进行知识协作时主要考虑的是组织的自身利益而非整个地区或者国家的整体收益。


    Abstract: Collaboration among public organizations, private organizations and individuals increasingly becomes one of the key points and difficulties in public management. This paper studies the trans-department collaboration in public fields in perspective of knowledge collaboration. It descriptively anlyzes the status quo of knowledge collaboration in handling public affairs with empirical methods. It describes the frequencies of knowledge collaboration among different collaboration bodies and different collaboration patterns. It is found that the motives of knowledge collaboration in turn are: improving the efficiency and quality of public service, bettering the policy making and solving the social problems more intelligently. The main obstacle hindering knowledge collaboration within public sectors is lacking of information exchange platform while the main obstacle impeding trans-organizational knowledge collaboration is the conflicts of interests. The consideration of self-interets comes first when organizations decide whether to attend the knowledge collaboration.


