Double Connotations of Marx’s Negating the Structure of Hegel’s Dialectics: Commentary of Althusser’s Break Theory of the History of Marx’s Philosophy
摘要: 阿尔都塞认为,马克思哲学史存在着"认识论断裂"问题。此见解的实质是:在理论实践和政治实践中,马克思对黑格尔辩证法结构具有"双重否定"。在理论实践方面,阿尔都塞对马克思所说的科学研究起点问题作了新解,却误读了马克思的本意。在政治实践方面,他以"结构"凸显了社会关系在历史唯物主义中的基础性,却忽略了"现实的个人"的地位。阿尔都塞的"断裂"说有其偏颇之处,但对人们重新理解马克思的本真精神富有启发意义。Abstract: Althusser holds that there is a "break" in Marx's Philosophy.The essence of this viewpoint is Marx's negating the structure of Hegel's dialectics. The view of "negating" lies in theoretical and political practice. Althusser reinterprets the starting point of Marx's scientific research in theoretical practice, but he misreads Marx's original idea. And he attaches importance to structure to highlight the fundamentality of social relations in Marxism in political practice, but the importance of "actual individual" is ignored. Although Althusser's break theory is extreme, it provides an illuminating insight into Marx's mind to us.