ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Subject and the Object of Marxism Belief

  • 摘要: 信仰是一种自在自为的意识。马克思主义信仰的主体不仅是共产党员,还包括普通大众。马克思主义信仰的客体是中国特色社会主义。马克思主义信仰的形成是共产党员、普通大众与中国特色社会主义相统一的过程。当前,需要塑造马克思主义信仰者的良好形象,以吸引更多的普通民众信仰马克思主义。


    Abstract: Belief is a in-itself and for-itself consciousness. The subject of Marxism belief includes the Communists, as well as the ordinary people. The object of Marxism belief is the socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Marxism belief is the unity of the Communists, the ordinary people and the socialism with Chinese characteristics. Today, we need to create the good image of Marxist believers, for attracting more ordinary people to believe in Marxism.


