ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Seeking for Humanity and Self in Herzog

  • 摘要: 《赫索格》突出体现了索尔·贝娄作品对人性的拷问和对自我的一贯探求。主人公赫索格是一个疯癫和理性的合体,他不断地与"非我"产生冲突,但又渴望融合入社会,最终重新认识并超越了自我,完成了自我拯救的历程。《赫索格》对知识分子及其所处的社会境遇的关注,折射出贝娄通过小说创作对人性拷问,表明了作者的人文关怀。


    Abstract: Herzog typically reflects Bellow's seeking for humanity and self in his literary career. Herzog, the protagonist, is a mixture of madness and reason, constantly conflicting with "non-self" while longing for reconciliation with others and the society. In the end, Herzog forms a new idea of self, transcends his ego and fulfills his self-redemption. The depiction of the intellectual and his social situation reflects Bellow's insistence on seeking for humanity by writing novels and indicates his humanistic tendency.


