On the Basic Characteristics of the Micro-blog User’s Information Behavior
摘要: 以新浪微博为例,利用实证的方法对微博用户的关注行为、评论行为和转发行为进行分析。研究发现,微博是一个资源丰富、节点较多的有向网络,在用户信息发布中,以电脑和移动终端为主,有向移动化发展的趋势;经济发达地区的微博使用者较不发达地区多,用户的信息发布呈周期性;发布的信息内容以自我为中心,大多是与个人相关的信息或者自己感兴趣的信息。研究结果表明,用户关注、评论与转发行为的网络整体密度较小,但是局部呈聚集的趋势。Abstract: Base on the data on Sina weibo, the paper uses empirical methods to analyze micro-blog users' concerned behavior, comments behavior and forwarding behavior, and describes the state of micro-blog overall user behavior in detail, and has a basic understanding for its static behavior. Micro-blog is a directed network with resource-rich and more nodes, more users release information by computers and mobile terminals, and mobiles become more and more popular; the number is bigger in economically developed regions compared with the developing areas; the user's information is self-centered, and the users often publish the information about themselves or what they are interested in. The network of users' concerned behavior, comments behavior and forwarding behavior is less dense as a whole, but partially it tends to gather.
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