Contrastive Analysis on the Linguistic Features of the English Abstracts of Scientific Paper by Chinese and English Authors
摘要: 采用语料库统计分析法,从语体学的角度出发,通过对国内外期刊科技论文英文摘要进行语体特征的数据收集及对比分析,发现中国英语学习者在摘要长度、字系结构、时态、语态等句法上与英语母语学习者之间存在明显差距。中国英语学习者倾向于使用简短句子,时态上一般过去时使用比例明显低于英语母语学习者,将来时和其他复合时态也偶有使用,同时,受直译和传统观点的影响,使用被动语态的比例明显偏高。提出科技论文英文摘要写作要在内容上按照目的、方法、结果、结论的结构将科技论文的内容交待清楚,时态上多使用一般现在时,语态上常使用主动语态。Abstract: Based on the theory of stylistics,the author employs corpus analysis methods to examine the major differences between the abstracts by Chinese and foreign authors in terms of linguistic features and information structures. The author finds that there are obvious differences between the abstracts by Chinese and foreign writers in terms of length of the abstracts, word families, tense and voice. Chinese writers tend to use more short sentences, more simple past tense and more passive voice in their abstracts. Practical writing instructions are proposed in the paper to facilitate Chinese writers to improve the quality of their English abstracts and help them gain more access to international recognition and promote academic exchange. Such instructions include: the content of the abstracts should follow the structure of purpose, method, results and conclusion, simple present tense should be more frequently used and active voice should be more widely used.
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