An Intertextual Study of Postmodernist Novel Snow White:from the Perspective of Metaphor of Fairy Tales
摘要: 美国后现代小说《白雪公主》主要嫁接于经典格林童话《白雪公主与七个小矮人》,其中也穿插了其他经典童话故事的情节。唐纳德·巴塞尔姆运用互文性将文本历史与社会现实相融合所进行的诗学构建,是对文本历史的承续与反叛,体现了后现代主义创作的锐意创新。在互文性的框架下解析《白雪公主》的童话隐喻,旨在阐述文本表面散漫的叙事风格背后隐藏的对社会现实的深切关注。Abstract: Postmodernist novel Snow White was based on the fairy tale Snow White and Seven Dwarves and other classical fairy tales. Its author Donald Barthelme adopted intertextuality to combine literary tradition with social reality. His creation inherits some literary features of classical fairy tales and rebels against them at the same time, which embodys the stunning creativity of this postmodernist. This article, from the perspective of intertextual analysis of metaphors of fairy tales in Snow White, interprets Donald Barthelme's deep concern about social reality hidden behind his random writing.
- Donald Barthelme /
- Snow White /
- postmodernist novel /
- intertextuality /
- fairy tales /
- metaphor
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