ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Conflicts and Solutions of International Financial Regulation under Globalization

  • 摘要: 在全球化条件下,国际金融规制的重要性不言而喻。然而,随着全球一体化程度的加深,现有国际金融规制已然发生异化,国际金融标准(规则)中所融入的主权国家利益诉求的非对称性问题尤为明显,“熟视无睹”可能会触发主权国家之间的国际金融规制冲突。进一步深挖招致国际金融规制冲突的原因,主要是国际金融立法阶段的透明度和民主性不足所致。鉴于此,一方面,可以通过落实公众参与来加强国际金融立法程序的正当性;另一方面,可以建构分层级的国际金融规制结构,在实现权力(利)配置均衡性的同时,确保国际金融立法程序的正当性。


    Abstract: Under globalization, the importance of international financial regulation is self-evident. However, with the deepening of global integration, current international financial regulation has been alienated, and the interest demands of sovereign states integrated into international financial standards (rules) are particularly asymmetric, which may trigger conflicts of international financial regulation among sovereign states. The further study finds that the causes of conflicts are mainly the lack of transparency and democracy at the stage of international financial legislation. In view of this, on the one hand, public participation can be implemented to strengthen the legitimacy of international financial legislative procedures; on the other hand, a hierarchical structure of international financial regulation can be constructed to ensure the legitimacy of international financial legislative procedures while achieving the balanced allocation of power (rights).


