ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


王江涛, 周泓

王江涛, 周泓. 层次分析法在商业银行信息化绩效评价的应用[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2009, 22(1): 14-18.
引用本文: 王江涛, 周泓. 层次分析法在商业银行信息化绩效评价的应用[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2009, 22(1): 14-18.
WANG Jiang-tao, ZHOU Hong. The Application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process in Performance Evaluation System in Commercial Bank's IT Department[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2009, 22(1): 14-18.
Citation: WANG Jiang-tao, ZHOU Hong. The Application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process in Performance Evaluation System in Commercial Bank's IT Department[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2009, 22(1): 14-18.



    王江涛(1972-),男,新疆乌鲁木齐人,博士研究生,研究 方向为管理科学与工程.

  • 中图分类号: F830.33; C936

The Application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process in Performance Evaluation System in Commercial Bank's IT Department

  • 摘要: 平衡计分卡(Balanced Score Card)是一系列财务绩效衡量指标与非财务绩效衡量指标的综合体,它为管理层快速、全面、客观地考察企业的运营状况提供最为真实的依据。IT平衡计 分卡是为实现商业银行信息化战略服务,关注商业银行信息化建设。正确评价商业银行信息部门的绩效水平的前提是建立科学、合理、可行的评价指标体系。采取层次分析法(Analyti cal Hierarchy Process, AHP)建立商业银行信息部门的绩效综合评价模型,能有效地反映出商业银行信息化的基本情况,抓住主要因素,以保证评价工作的全面性和可信度,同时评价指标易于操作。
    Abstract: The balanced score card is a series of financial evaluation indices and non-fin ancial evaluation system, which provides prompt, overall and objective support f or managements to understand the operation situation. The balanced score card se rves the informationalization of the commercial bank. IT balanced score card sta rts from the business strategy, focusing on the information system construction, contributing to the enterprise value. The right evaluation of the informational ization level relies on the scientific, reasonable and feasible evaluation indic es system. The construction of the comprehensive evaluation system for the comme rcial bank's IT department, using AHP, will reflect the situation of the informa tion system, single out the major factors, and ensure the credibility of the eva luation. And the evaluation indices might be operable.
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    [3] 谢梅. 层次分析法在平衡计分卡中的应用[J].财会通讯,2004,(2):39.
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  • 收稿日期:  2007-10-07
  • 发布日期:  2009-03-24


