Defence and Release ——On the Structure of Ba Jin's HAN YE
摘要: 巴金的长篇小说《寒夜》的叙事结构简明清晰:汪母一守(儿子)一放(媳妇),汪文宣两守(母亲与妻子),曾树生一守(陈主任)一放(丈夫)。汪母守住儿子,儿子守住妻子, 妻子守住陈主任,彼此关联,相依为命;母亲抛弃媳妇,媳妇抛弃丈夫,彼此分崩离析,或 死或生,或离或逃。对习俗观念的怀疑和批判,渴望从超越常规中寻求到自由。这种深层的文化意义源自《寒夜》历时性和共时性两个向度的叙事结构。Abstract: The structure of Ba Jin's HAN YE is quite clear——the mother defends her son an d releases her daughter-in-law, the son defends both the mother and wife, and the wife defends another man and releases her husband. All of them are closely c onnected. The mother loves her son and defends him. The son does the same to his wife while the wife loves another man. However, they also abandon someone——th e mother abandons her daughter-in-law and the wife abandons her husband. Doubt ing and criticizing the traditional norms, she wants to be free. The deep signif icance derives from the structure of HAN YE diachronically and synchronically.
- HAN YE /
- structure /
- defense /
- release /
- diachronically /
- synchronically
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