ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C



彭付芝. "三个代表"重要思想与完成祖国统一[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2003, 16(S0): 25-28.
引用本文: 彭付芝. "三个代表"重要思想与完成祖国统一[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2003, 16(S0): 25-28.
PENG Fu-zhi. Important Thought of "Three Represents" and Reunification of the Motherland[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2003, 16(S0): 25-28.
Citation: PENG Fu-zhi. Important Thought of "Three Represents" and Reunification of the Motherland[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2003, 16(S0): 25-28.




  • 中图分类号: O618

Important Thought of "Three Represents" and Reunification of the Motherland

  • 摘要: 着重探讨了在"三个代表"重要思想的指导下,完成祖国统一的重要性。完成祖国统一,为经济发展创造必要的外部条件,为海峡两岸的现代化提供新的动力和源泉,这是中国共产党始终代表先进生产力发展要求的现实需要,是建设有中国特色社会主义新文化的必然要求,是始终代表中国最广大人民根本利益、实现中华民族伟大复兴的神圣历史使命。
    Abstract: This article discussed how to understand the importance of the reunification realization of the motherland deeply under the guidance of the important thought of ‘Three Represents’. To realize the reunification of the motherland, to create essential external condition for economic development, to offer new motive force and source for the modernization of both sides of the straits are the realistic demand that the Communist Party of China represents for the development of advanced productivity all the time. Also to realize the reunification the inevitable request for new socialism culture with Chinese characteristics is sacred historical mission on behalf of the fundamental interests of the broad masses of China and the Chinese nation's great rejuvenation realization all the time.
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  • 收稿日期:  2002-11-09
  • 发布日期:  2003-03-24


