ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C
王代月. 哲学经济学视域中的劳动论题 ——马克思对黑格尔劳动观的继承与超越[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2013, 26(4): 58-62.
引用本文: 王代月. 哲学经济学视域中的劳动论题 ——马克思对黑格尔劳动观的继承与超越[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2013, 26(4): 58-62.
Wang Daiyue. On Labor in the View of Philosophical Economics: Inheritance and Transcendence of Marx to Hegel's Concept of Labor[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2013, 26(4): 58-62.
Citation: Wang Daiyue. On Labor in the View of Philosophical Economics: Inheritance and Transcendence of Marx to Hegel's Concept of Labor[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2013, 26(4): 58-62.

哲学经济学视域中的劳动论题 ——马克思对黑格尔劳动观的继承与超越

On Labor in the View of Philosophical Economics: Inheritance and Transcendence of Marx to Hegel's Concept of Labor

  • 摘要: 劳动作为重大的理论课题,是近代资本主义发展的一个结果.黑格尔在其著作中多次探讨劳动的辩证法,阐述了劳动对于人的教化功能,并在哲学史上第一次赋予劳动以存在论的价值.马克思继承了黑格尔对劳动的哲学视域,但他并没有囿于此,而是通过对传统形而上学的变革与对古典经济学的批判性研究,实现了哲学与经济学的视域融合,从而将劳动命题推向深入.这个过程具体表现为对黑格尔劳动观的三次批判,使黑格尔抽象的精神劳动回复到现实的处于特定生产关系之中的劳动具体.马克思对黑格尔劳动观的超越集中体现在科学的劳动价值理论上.


    Abstract: It's the result of the development of modern capitalism that labor become an important issue. Hegel explored the dialectic of labor in his writings several times, expounding the enlightenment function of labor, which endows labor the ontological value the first time in the history of philosophy. Marx inherited Hegel the philosophy sight on labor, but he is not confined to this. Marx achieved a fusion of horizons of Philosophy and Economics by transformation of the traditional metaphysical and critical study of classical economics. The process that Marx beyond Hegelian labor theory is expressed in three critique of Hegel's concept of labor,to transform Hegel's abstract mental labor into specific relations of production.


