ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C
国兆亮. 试析英国大学理念的形成和变迁 ——以纽曼、怀特海和阿什比为例[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2013, 26(4): 109-112.
引用本文: 国兆亮. 试析英国大学理念的形成和变迁 ——以纽曼、怀特海和阿什比为例[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2013, 26(4): 109-112.
Guo Zhaoliang. On the Formation and Evolvement of University Ideas in UK: By Newman, Whitehead and Ashby as Examples[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2013, 26(4): 109-112.
Citation: Guo Zhaoliang. On the Formation and Evolvement of University Ideas in UK: By Newman, Whitehead and Ashby as Examples[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2013, 26(4): 109-112.

试析英国大学理念的形成和变迁 ——以纽曼、怀特海和阿什比为例

On the Formation and Evolvement of University Ideas in UK: By Newman, Whitehead and Ashby as Examples

  • 摘要: 英国大学理念发端于中世纪的牛津大学和剑桥大学,形成于19世纪,在19世纪末20世纪初发生了变化,并在二战后得到完善.纽曼、怀特海和阿什比在不同时期分别阐释并推进了英国大学理念的发展.英国大学从古典走到现代,其大学类型、职能、培养目标和教育内容等方面发生了显著的变化,但大学的内核和精髓却一直得以秉承并独具特色,即提倡自由教育,培育德才兼备之人;重视理论研究,追求学术卓越;注重大学自治,坚持学术自由.


    Abstract: The ideas of British university originated in the medieval Oxbridge University, formed in the 19th century, changed in the late 19th and early 20th century and improved after World War II. Newman, Whitehead and Ashby elucidated and promoted the ideas at different times. From the classical to modern times, the University ideas have undergone significant changes, but the core and essence have been able to uphold: cultivating human of culture and ability with liberal education; the pursuit of theory research and academic excellence; insisting on university autonomy and academic freedom.


