Income Types about Cryptocurrency Mining and Relevant Transactions: Be Centered on Bitcoin
Graphical Abstract
Alone with spontaneous birth and market transaction of Bitcoin in the civil society, various cryptocurrencies have been continuously developed and created, and got into the economic operation system by market transactions. This creates new problems and challenges for the traditional income tax system. To accurately and reasonably determine the tax liability under the mining and transaction activities of cryptocurrency, the classification and definition of the types of income derived from Bitcoin mining and transaction activities have been specially analyzed. Generally, Bitcoin produced by mining may generate income in the sense of tax law only when it has been converted into physical economical benefits. When Bitcoin mining and its transaction activities constitute a trade or business of individual and enterprise itself, income derived from such activities should be categorized business income. When Bitcoin mining and its transaction activities don’t constitute a trade or business of individual and enterprise itself, income derived from such activities should be categorized by the character and content of transaction activities, adaptive matching conditions with different taxation calculation rules. And then the personal income types of the initial Bitcoin transferor, the personal income types of the Bitcoin transferee and the re-transferor, as well as the types of income derived from the initial Bitcoin obtained by enterprises mining and Bitcoin obtained by enterprises transaction have been respectively analyzed and clarified.