Case study on seismic behavior of typical multistory light industrial building structures
Abstract:Vertical light industrial building structures exhibit characteristics such as large spans, high-altitude loads, and uneven vertical mass distribution. In order to investigate the vibration response characteristics of this structural form, this paper takes a typical vertical light industrial production workshop as a background and establishes a refined three-dimensional nonlinear computational model. Seismic performance research on this structural form is conducted through finite element simulation technology. The results show that the structure can meet the structural seismic requirements through reasonable design. The structural damage spreads from the outside to the inside. The plastic hinges are distributed more at high levels and less in low levels, and more on heavy load layers and less on non-heavy load layers. In the seismic design process, the heavily loaded floors should be considered as weak floors to be reinforced, and the horizontal and vertical supports should be set in the outer wind-resistant columns to delay the damage of the internal load-bearing members and improve the seismic performance of the structure. In addition, when a large mass ratio variable load exists on the structure, the effect of mass variation on the structural dynamic properties should be considered. When the mass of the equipment is smaller, the interaction between the equipment and the structure can be ignored, and the consolidation model for equipment and structure can be used for simplified calculation during seismic analysis.
表 1 各层顶部楼板主要荷载分布
Table 1. Primary load distribution on top floors of each level
楼层 设备荷载/(kN·m−2) 生产资料等可变荷载/(kN·m−2) 设备区1 设备区2 设备区3 其他 设备区1 设备区2 设备区3 其他 1 30 25 20 15 3 3 3 3 2 10 5 3 25 20 15 3 3 3 4 10 3 表 2 生产线及电力厂房自振周期
Table 2. Natural period of vibration for production line and power plant
振型 自振周期/s 圆频率/Hz 振型 自振周期/s 圆频率/Hz 1阶 0.898 1.113 6 5阶 0.521 1.919 4 2阶 0.893 1.119 8 6阶 0.521 1.921 2 3阶 0.843 1.186 2 7阶 0.499 2.003 3 4阶 0.551 1.814 9 8阶 0.485 2.061 9 表 3 不同工况下结构最大响应
Table 3. Maximum structural responses under various operating conditions
工况 最大顶层
楼层Taft波(多遇地震) 12.09 5.78 2 684 3 674 800 是 2 El波(多遇地震) 12.13 5.79 2 675 3 663 800 是 2 人工波(多遇地震) 9.74 4.44 3 490 4 562 800 是 2 Taft波(罕遇地震) 57.42 30.88 516 774 50 是 4 El波(罕遇地震) 85.25 41.36 385 521 50 是 4 人工波(罕遇地震) 177.64 87.75 182 250 50 是 4 表 4 罕遇地震作用下结构各层塑性铰数量
Table 4. Number of plastic hinges at each level of structure under severe earthquake
个 地震波 1层 2层 3层 4层 总数 梁 柱 梁 柱 梁 柱 梁 柱 Taft波 0 0 1 0 0 0 259 396 656 El波 0 0 23 0 10 0 187 451 671 人工波 10 0 71 0 84 0 203 173 541 表 5 设备-结构固结模型与设备-结构弹簧模型频率、周期对比
Table 5. Comparison of frequency and period between equipment-structure fixed model and spring model
振型 频率/Hz 周期/s 设备-结构
弹簧模型1阶 1.113 6 1.113 3 0.898 0.898 2阶 1.119 8 1.119 5 0.893 0.983 3阶 1.186 2 1.185 3 0.843 0.844 4阶 1.814 9 1.814 7 0.551 0.551 5阶 1.919 4 1.918 5 0.521 0.521 6阶 1.921 2 1.919 0 0.521 0.521 7阶 2.003 3 2.002 9 0.499 0.499 8阶 2.061 9 2.061 2 0.485 0.485 表 6 罕遇地震作用下结构各层塑性铰数量
Table 6. Number of plastic hinges at each level of structure under severe earthquake
个 地震波 1层 2层 3层 4层 总数 梁 柱 梁 柱 梁 柱 梁 柱 Taft波 0 0 1 0 0 0 245 396 642 El波 0 0 22 0 8 0 196 444 670 人工波 10 0 71 0 76 0 209 183 549 -
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