为提高空中交通管制过程中语音通话质量,提出了一种改进生成对抗网络的空管语音增强算法(SEGAN)。针对传统的SEGAN在低信噪比条件下,语音信号被淹没的问题,在SEGAN网络模型的基础上提出了多阶段、多映射、多维度输出的生成器和多尺度、多个鉴别器的网络模型。基于深层神经网络结构提取语音语义特征,完成空管语音语义分段;设置多个生成器,对语音信号做进一步优化处理;在卷积层中添加下采样模块,以提高模型对语音信息的利用率,减少语音信息的流失;采用多尺度、多个鉴别器、多方位学习语音样本的分布规律和信息。结果表明,在低信噪比条件下,改进SEGAN模型在短时客观可懂度(STOI)和语音质量感知评估(PESQ) 2个指标上分别提高23.28%和20.11%,能够快速有效的进行空管语音增强,为后续空管语音识别提供准备工作。
Abstract:An enhanced version of the Speech Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network (SEGAN) algorithm used in air traffic control (ATC) is suggested in an effort to raise the standard of radiotelephony communication. Aiming at the problem that the traditional SEGAN is submerged under the condition of low signal-to-noise ratio, a multi-stage, multi-mapping, multi-dimensional output generation and multi-scale, multi-discriminator network models are proposed. First, the deep neural network structure is used to extract the speech semantic features, and the ATC speech semantic segmentation is finished. Secondly, set up multiple generators to further optimize the speech signal. Then, a down sampling module is added to the convolutional layer to improve the utilization of speech information by the model and reduce the loss of speech information. Finally, multi-scale, multiple discriminators are used to learn the distribution law and information of speech samples in multiple directions. According to the results, the improved SEGAN model's Short-Time Objective Intelligibility (STOI) and Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) are improved by 23.28% and 20.11%, respectively, under low signal-to-noise ratio conditions. This can effectively and swiftly improve ATC speech, making it a good option for follow-up. Provide preparatory work for subsequent Automatic Speech Recognition of ATC.
表 1 子鉴别器1
Table 1. Sub-discriminator 1
网络层 卷积核大小 步长 输入大小 输出大小 激活函数 卷积层1 31 4 16 384×1 4 096×16 LeakyReLU 卷积层2 31 4 4 096×16 1 024×32 LeakyReLU 卷积层3 31 4 1 024×32 256×64 LeakyReLU 卷积层4 31 4 256×64 64×128 LeakyReLU 卷积层5 31 4 64×128 16×256 LeakyReLU 卷积层6 31 4 16×256 4×512 LeakyReLU 卷积层7 1 4 4×512 4×1 LeakyReLU 全连接层 无 无 4×1 1 Softmax 表 2 子鉴别器2
Table 2. Sub-discriminator 2
网络层 卷积核大小 步长 输入大小 输出大小 激活函数 卷积层1 31 4 4 096×16 1 024×32 LeakyReLU 卷积层2 31 4 1 024×32 256×64 LeakyReLU 卷积层3 31 4 256×64 64×128 LeakyReLU 卷积层4 31 4 64×128 16×256 LeakyReLU 卷积层5 31 4 16×256 4×512 LeakyReLU 卷积层6 1 4 4×512 4×1 LeakyReLU 全连接层 无 无 4×1 1 Softmax 表 3 子鉴别器3
Table 3. Sub-discriminator 3
网络层 卷积核大小 步长 输入大小 输出大小 激活函数 卷积层1 31 4 1 024×32 256×64 LeakyReLU 卷积层2 31 4 256×64 64×128 LeakyReLU 卷积层3 31 4 64×128 16×256 LeakyReLU 卷积层4 31 4 16×256 4×512 LeakyReLU 卷积层5 1 4 4×512 4×1 LeakyReLU 全连接层 无 无 4×1 1 Softmax 表 4 不同信噪比下STOI的评价结果
Table 4. Evaluation results of STOI under different signal-to-noise ratios
模型 评价结果 −15 dB −5 dB 0 dB 5 dB 15 dB Noisy 0.640 4 0.798 2 0.872 1 0.934 2 0.954 1 SEGAN 0.621 2 0.803 1 0.898 4 0.924 6 0.951 7 TFSEGAN 0.651 7 0.820 4 0.900 2 0.940 8 0.954 4 改进SEGAN 0.765 8 0.891 2 0.922 3 0.946 5 0.969 3 表 5 不同信噪比下PESQ的评价结果
Table 5. Evaluation results of PESQ under different signal-to-noise ratios
模型 评价结果 −15 dB −5 dB 0 dB 5 dB 15 dB Noisy 1.097 8 1.297 3 1.613 0 1.823 4 2.230 4 SEGAN 1.028 9 1.328 6 1.723 8 2.046 3 2.395 6 TFSEGAN 1.151 9 1.435 9 1.760 3 2.095 7 2.417 2 改进SEGAN 1.235 8 1.482 8 1.848 9 2.151 8 2.580 3 表 6 MOS评分标准
Table 6. MOS scoring criteria
MOS得分 语音质量等级 参与者感受 1 劣 不能忍受 2 差 厌烦但能忍受 3 中 听到噪声,可接受 4 良 刚能听到噪声 5 优 几乎听不出噪声 表 7 测评结果
Table 7. Evaluation results
模型 测评结果 总计 MOS 1 2 3 4 5 Noisy 3 8 89 0 0 100 2.86 SEGAN 0 0 72 28 0 100 3.28 DSEGAN 0 0 58 41 1 100 3.43 改进SEGAN 0 0 13 83 4 100 3.91 表 8 不同区管不同信噪比下STOI的评价结果
Table 8. Evaluation results of STOI with different signal-to-noise ratios for different zone tubes
模型 评价结果 −15 dB −5 dB 0 dB 5 dB 15 dB Noisy 0.640 4 0.798 2 0.872 1 0.934 2 0.954 1 中国XX空管中心 0.765 8 0.891 2 0.922 3 0.946 5 0.969 3 区管1 0.765 2 0.890 9 0.921 7 0.946 0 0.968 9 区管2 0.764 5 0.889 6 0.920 1 0.945 8 0.968 6 区管3 0.764 0 0.889 3 0.910 5 0.945 9 0.969 0 表 9 不同区管不同信噪比下PESQ的评价结果
Table 9. Evaluation results of PESQ with different signal-to-noise ratios for different zone pipes
模型 评价结果 −15 dB −5 dB 0 dB 5 dB 15 dB Noisy 1.097 8 1.297 3 1.613 0 1.823 4 2.230 4 中国XX空管中心 1.235 8 1.482 8 1.848 9 2.151 8 2.580 3 区管1 1.234 6 1.482 2 1.848 6 2.151 1 2.580 0 区管2 1.235 9 1.482 4 1.848 2 2.150 9 2.580 6 区管3 1.234 0 1.481 7 1.847 9 2.151 3 2.579 9 -
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