针对无人机(UAV)集群海上作战态势复杂、作战任务多样、作战单元异构的特点,建立了海上无人机集群多目标任务分配优化模型,并针对该模型提出了一种基于$\gamma $随机搜索策略的改进离散粒子群算法(
γ -DPSO)。将作战态势细节与复杂作战需求等引入无人机集群任务分配问题,建立契合作战场景的无人机集群任务分配作战模型;基于粒子编码矩阵,设计均衡搜索策略、$\gamma $随机搜索策略、分阶段自适应参数,提出基于$\gamma $随机搜索策略的改进离散粒子群算法,解决离散粒子群算法易陷入局部最优造成未成熟收敛的问题。仿真结果表明:针对所建立的符合海上作战特点的无人机集群多目标任务分配优化模型,所提算法可有效解决无人机集群多目标任务分配问题,所提改进策略提高了算法的收敛速度与算法精度。Abstract:In view of the characteristics of complex maritime combat situations, diverse combat missions, and heterogeneous combat units of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) clusters, a multi-objective mission assignment optimization model for maritime UAV clusters was established, and an improved discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm based on $\gamma $ random search strategy (
γ -DPSO) was proposed for this model. Firstly, the combat situation details and complex combat requirements were introduced into the mission assignment problem of UAV clusters, and a mission assignment combat model of UAV clusters that fitted the combat scenario was established. Secondly, based on the particle coding matrix, the equilibrium search strategy, the $\gamma $ random search strategy, and the phased adaptive parameters were designed, and the improved discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm based on the $\gamma $ random search strategy was proposed to solve the problem that the discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm was easy to fall into local optimum and caused immature convergence. The simulation results show that the proposed improved algorithm can effectively solve the multi-objective mission assignment problem of UAV clusters for the multi-objective mission assignment optimization model of UAV clusters established in this paper that meets the characteristics of maritime combat, and the proposed improved strategy improves the convergence speed and accuracy of the algorithm. -
表 1 海上无人机协同任务分配优化模型基本参数
Table 1. Basic parameters of cooperative mission assignment optimization model for maritime UAVs
基本参数 我方无人机 敌方船只 个数 $ {N_{{V}}} $ $ {N_{{T}}} $ 攻击半径 ${R_{{{{\mathrm{a}},V}}}}$ ${R_{{{{\mathrm{a}},T}}}}$ 探测半径 ${R_{{{{\mathrm{s}},V}}}}$ ${R_{{{{\mathrm{s}},T}}}}$ 命中概率 ${p_{{{{\mathrm{h}},V}}}}$ ${p_{{{{\mathrm{h}},T}}}}$ 毁伤概率 ${p_{{{{\mathrm{d}},V}}}}$ ${p_{{{{\mathrm{d}},T}}}}$ 耐久极限 $ {e_{{V}}} $ $ {e_{{T}}} $ 携带作战载荷数量 ${\varepsilon _{{V}}}$ ∞ 表 2 我方无人机携带作战载荷数量与探测半径
Table 2. Number of combat payload carried by Chinese UAVs and detection radius
无人机编号 ${\varepsilon _{{V}}}$ ${R_{{{{\mathrm{s}},V}}}}$ 无人机编号 ${\varepsilon _{{V}}}$ ${R_{{{{\mathrm{s}},V}}}}$ V1 3 7 V11 2 6 V2 2 11 V12 1 10 V3 3 11 V13 2 9 V4 3 9 V14 1 11 V5 2 6 V15 2 12 V6 2 7 V16 1 9 V7 1 12 V17 1 6 V8 2 6 V18 1 10 V9 1 7 V19 1 10 V10 2 11 V20 1 12 表 3 敌方船只探测半径
Table 3. Detection radius of enemy vessel
目标编号 $ {R_{{{{\mathrm{s}},T}}}} $ 目标编号 $ {R_{{{{\mathrm{s}},T}}}} $ 目标编号 $ {R_{{{{\mathrm{s}},T}}}} $ T1 12 T11 12 T21 8 T2 10 T12 8 T22 8 T3 7 T13 9 T23 8 T4 9 T14 10 T24 10 T5 8 T15 12 T25 8 T6 9 T16 12 T26 12 T7 7 T17 6 T27 11 T8 10 T18 11 T28 12 T9 7 T19 9 T29 10 T10 11 T20 11 T30 8 表 4 模型参数设置
Table 4. Model parameters setting
参数 数值 参数 数值 $ {N_{{V}}} $ 20 ${N_{{T}}}$ 30 $ {w_1} $ 0.5 $ {w_2} $ 0.5 $ {w_3} $ 0.25 $q$ 20 $\Delta {t_{1,\min }}$ 10 $\Delta {t_{1,\max }}$ 20 $\Delta {t_{6,\min }}$ 10 $\Delta {t_{6,\max }}$ 20 表 5 算法参数设置
Table 5. Algorithm parameters setting
参数 数值 参数 数值 $N$ 1000 $ {K_{\rm{G}}} $ 200 $ {\omega _0} $ 0.9 $ {\omega _{\mathrm{e}}} $ 0.4 $ {c_{1,0}} $ 0.35 $ {c_{1,{\mathrm{e}}}} $ 0.95 $ {c_{2,0}} $ 0.35 $ {c_{2,{\mathrm{e}}}} $ 0.95 表 6 分配结果与顺序
Table 6. Assignment results and order
无人机编号 分配结果与顺序 无人机编号 分配结果与顺序 V1 T25,c→T19,c→T14,c→T6,c→T30,a V11 T15,a→T26,a V2 T20,a→T25,a V12 T17,c→T12,a V3 T30,c→T15,c→T4,c→T24,c→T22,c→T27,c→T1,a→
T23,a→T9,c→T11,aV13 T2,c→T13,a→T16,c→T23,c→T5,c→T7,c→
T3,c→T18,c→T14,aV4 T1,c→T29,c→T27,a→T28,a→T10,a V14 T13,c→T4,a V5 T6,a V15 T10,c→T8,c→T18,a V6 T17,a→T5,a V16 T28,c→T16,a V7 T22,a→T20,c V17 T24,a V8 T11,c→T2,a→T29,a→T12,c V18 T26,c→T8,a V9 T19,a V19 T21,a V10 T21,c→T3,a→T7,a V20 T9,a 表 7 迭代至200代时添加与未添加随机粒子的收敛精度
Table 7. Convergence accuracy with and without random particles in iteration to 200 generations
是否添加随机粒子 迭代至200代时的适应度值 添加随机粒子 1.667 未添加随机粒子 1.810 -
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