Influencing analysis of temperature controlling accuracy of loop heat pipes and capillary limit prediction
环路热管具备无振动、传热能力强、控温精度高、传输距离远等优点,被广泛应用于航天器平台和载荷的热控制领域。控温精度和传热极限作为环路热管的关键性能参数,是环路热管设计和应用领域的研究重点。分析姿态和控温点位置对环路热管控温精度的影响规律。研究发现,重力条件下环路热管姿态会影响储液器内气液分布。当储液器控温点处于饱和蒸气区时,控温精度达到±0.2 ℃,优于控温点处于纯液相区(±0.6 ℃)。同时,通过分析毛细芯内气液分布,对环路热管毛细极限预测模型进行修正。通过实验验证,修正后模型可以较好地预测环路热管的毛细极限。
Abstract:Loop heat pipe possesses the advantages of no vibration, strong heat transfer capability, high temperature controlling accuracy, and long transmission distance, which is widely applied in the field of thermal control of spacecraft platforms and load. Temperature controlling accuracy and heat transfer limit, as key performance parameters of loop heat pipes, are the research focuses in the design and application of loop heat pipes. In this paper, the influence of attitude and temperature controlling position on temperature controlling accuracy of loop heat pipes was investigated. The results show that the attitude of loop heat pipes will affect gas-liquid distribution in the compensation chamber in the gravity environment. When the temperature controlling point is located in the saturated vapor zone in the compensation chamber, the temperature controlling accuracy is close to ±0.2 °C, which is higher than temperature controlling point in the pure-liquid zone (±0.6 °C). Meanwhile, the capillary limit prediction model of loop heat pipes is modified by analyzing gas-liquid distribution in capillary cores. The experimental results show that the modified model can predict the capillary limit of loop heat pipes well.
表 1 环路热管设计参数
Table 1. Design parameters of loop heat pipe
工质 工质
容积/mL高纯氨 44 镍 200 1.5 48.4 1.3×10-14 2 1.8 50 2 4.3 2 2.2 52 -
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