Multi-objective optimization of airport runway construction schemes based on improved genetic algorithm
Abstract:In order to select the optimal construction scheme during the construction process for different construction objectives in the airport runway project management, various construction schemes for the airport runway construction process were analyzed, and the mathematical models were established in terms of the construction period, quality, and cost. On this basis, the improved genetic algorithm was used, and the construction scheme for the airport runway construction process was taken as the optimization object. The construction period, quality, and cost were set as the optimization objectives, and a multi-objective optimization model of the airport runway construction scheme was constructed. Then, the general framework of object-oriented multi-objective optimization of airport runway construction schemes was built by using Python language, and the software interface development with the functions of parameter input, construction scheme optimization, and optimization result output was realized based on PyQt5. Finally, on the premise of meeting certain quality and cost, with the shortest construction period as the optimization objective, the optimization performance of the software was verified. The analysis of the optimization results shows that the application of the improved genetic algorithm can effectively achieve the multi-objective optimization of airport runway construction schemes. The optimization results are correct and meet the needs of optimization objectives, which can provide a reference for decision-making of airport runway construction projects.
Key words:
- airport runway /
- construction scheme optimization /
- improved genetic algorithm /
- construction period /
- quality /
- cost
表 1 机场场道施工工序
Table 1. Airport runway construction schedule
过程编号 施工过程 工序名称 工序序号 1 施工准备 施工准备 1 2 土石方工程 清除腐殖土层 2 挖方 3 填方 4 平整表层 5 压实 6 3 基层施工 跑道和防吹坪基层施工 7 滑行道基层施工 8 围场路基层施工 9 机坪基层施工 10 4 面层施工 跑道和防吹坪面层施工 11 滑行道面层施工 12 围场路面层施工 13 机坪面层施工 14 5 工程收尾 工程收尾 15 表 2 机场场道施工优化目标
Table 2. Optimization objective of airport runway construction
目标 优化内容 目标1 成本和质量控制在一定范围内的前提下,工期达到最短 目标2 工期和质量控制在一定范围内的前提下,施工的总成本最小 目标3 工期和成本控制在一定范围内的前提下,施工的质量最高 表 3 施工方案参数
Table 3. Construction scheme parameters
工序序号 施工方案序号 工期/天 直接成本/元 间接成本/元 施工质量 1 1 7 5314 1362 7.8 2 8 4998 1567 8.7 3 6 1432 1032 5.6 2 1 10 9581 2682 8.0 2 7 10321 2032 7.6 3 5 4500 3210 6.8 3 1 100 69431 33162 8.2 2 108 65046 41537 9.5 4 1 60 577 165 7.7 2 70 480 210 9.7 5 1 48 577 160 6.8 2 55 605 231 9.2 6 1 28 8861 2163 8.6 2 35 8135 3263 9.3 7 1 53 368716 98005 8.2 2 62 356351 110236 7.8 8 1 39 387752 63165 7.8 2 43 366547 67533 9.1 9 1 14 55654 9856 8.3 2 18 51328 11246 8.9 10 1 33 386321 103256 8.5 2 36 364110 136142 9.6 11 1 136 208650 62081 8.5 2 145 183865 120115 9.1 12 1 74 243706 52056 6.8 2 80 231596 68449 9.1 13 1 44 37846 11365 7.5 2 49 35625 14025 9.2 14 1 114 186455 81135 8.6 2 126 175343 98741 9.1 15 1 14 4782 1452 8.7 2 15 5028 1765 9.2 表 4 软件运行参数
Table 4. Operating parameters of software
参数 数值 种群规模 1000 进化代数 200 实数编码长度 10 二进制编码长度 20 交叉概率 0.8 变异概率 0.06 最大成本/104元 250 最低质量 8.0 表 5 最优施工方案
Table 5. Optimal construction scheme
施工工序序号 最优施工方案序号 1 3 2 3 3 1 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 1 8 2 9 2 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 2 14 2 15 1 表 6 最优施工方案的工期、成本与质量
Table 6. Period, cost, and quality of optimal construction scheme
施工工期/d 施工成本/元 施工质量 261 2475104 8.4 -
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