Constructing Streamlines in 3D CFD Flow Field
摘要: 流线的计算与显示是流场可视化中的一项基本技术.通过将CFD(Computational Fluid Dynam ics)的计算网格剖分为四面体单元并设置相邻四面体之间的拓扑关系,运用基于四面体侧面 法矢的"指南针"法进行快速点定位,采用自适应步长的数值积分方法直接在物理空间中进 行流线的追踪,避免了物理空间和计算空间之间的转换以及由此所带来的误差,提高了流线 追踪的精度和效率.Abstract: Streamline construction is a technique for flow visual ization. To avoid the conversion from physical space to computational space, a f ast point location algorithm for constructing streamline based on the normal of tetrahedron was proposed by dividing the curvilinear grids of CFD comp utation into tetrahedrons and the "wing patch" data structure was adopted to set th e topological relationship among the tetrahedrons. An adaptive step was also use d for fasten the numerical integration process. The presented method was demonst rated to be able to construct streamlines in a physical space directly, with imp roved efficiency and precision of streamline constructing.
Key words:
- stream line /
- tetrahedrals /
- girds /
- flow visualization
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