Abstract:Through the investigation of cross-modal retrieval, the use of attribute information can enhance the semantic representation of extracted features. The attributes of the pedestrian image and text are not used adequately in the existing cross-modal pedestrian Re-ID algorithms based on natural language. To tackle the above issues, a novel cross-modal pedestrian Re-ID algorithm based on dual attribute information is proposed. Specifically, the attribute information of the pedestrian image and the attribute information of pedestrian text descriptions are fully and simultaneously explored, and the dual attribute space is also built to improve the distinguishability and semantic expression of extracted image and text features. Extensive experimental results on a public cross-modal pedestrian Re-ID dataset CUHK-PEDES demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is comparable with state-of-the-art algorithm CMAAM (Top-1 56.68%), the retrieval accuracy Top-1 of the proposed algorithm reaches 56.42%, and Top-5 and Top-10 are improved by 0.45% and 0.29% respectively. Besides, the retrieval accuracy of cross-modal pedestrian images can be significantly improved if the class information is provided in the gallery image pool and is used to extract attribute features, and Top-1 can reach 64.88%. The ablation study also proves the importance of the text attribute and image attribute used by the proposed algorithm and the effectiveness of the dual attribute space.
表 1 在CUHK-PEDES数据集上的性能评估及与现有算法的性能比较
Table 1. Performance evaluation on CUHK-PEDES dataset and comparison of performance with existing algorithms
% 表 2 双重属性空间和隐空间的重要性分析
Table 2. Analysis of importance of dual attribute space and latent space
% 对比策略 准确率类型 Top-1 Top-5 Top-10 单元属性提取 Rlatent 54.34 75.42 82.94 Rattr 39.26 65.50 75.29 Rtotal 56.42 77.63 85.15 多元属性提取 Rlatent 54.35 75.88 83.14 Rattr 52.65 77.86 85.98 Rtotal 64.88 85.02 90.55 表 3 文本属性和图像属性的重要性分析
Table 3. Analysis of importance of text attribute and image attribute
% 对比策略 准确率类型 Top-1 Top-5 Top-10 无图片属性 Rlatent 53.20 74.77 82.47 Rattr 40.07 66.81 76.69 Rtotal 54.81 77.49 84.67 无文本属性 Rlatent 53.41 75.00 82.88 Rattr 37.35 62.13 72.38 Rtotal 51.45 73.15 81.56 表 4 模态差异消除作用
Table 4. Role of modal difference elimination
% 对比策略 准确率类型 Top-1 Top-5 Top-10 无coral损失 Rtotal 44.25 60.62 67.43 有coral损失 Rtotal 56.42 77.63 85.15 -
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