- 异常检测 /
- 接地点远事件(LTE) /
- 自编码器 /
- 隐马尔可夫模型(HMM) /
- 快速存取记录器(QAR)
Abstract:The existing flight operation quality assurance (FOQA) standard only uses the integral distance of the ground speed to define the long touchdown exceedance (LTE), which cannot detect and explain the exceedance using multiple quick access recorder (QAR) parameters. The QAR samples with multiple parameters were segmented by the sliding window, and the segmented sample sets were generated according to the segmentation position. The representation of the QAR sample segmentation and the vector within each QAR segment was obtained by the long short-term memory (LSTM) networks autoencoder, and the representation vectors were clustered by K-means to realize the symbolization of the QAR samples and the QAR segments. The hidden Markov model (HMM) model was built by using the symbolic sequence of the QAR sample set of the normal flights, which was used to detect the flights with the LTE. The second HMM model was constructed from the symbolic sequences of the segment of the normal QAR samples and the QAR samples including the LTE. Then the Viterbi algorithm was used to determine the specific positon of the LTE in the QAR sample segment. Experimental results on real QAR data sets show that, compared with other multi-dimensional time series anomaly detection methods, the proposed method can not only effectively detect the LTE, but also obtain the outliers of multiple QAR parameters, which can assist domain experts to analyze the cause of the exceedance.
表 1 参数说明
Table 1. Parameter description
参数 意义 标准气压高度 飞机与标准气压平面之间的距离 无线电高度 飞机距离地面的真实高度 N11、N21 1、2号发动机低压压气机转子负荷百分比 N12、N22 1、2号发动机高压压气机转子负荷百分比 EGT1、EGT2 1、2号发动机排气温度 左、右迎角 左、右机翼弦线与空气流速的夹角 俯仰角 机身纵轴线与水平面的夹角 倾侧角 飞机在横滚轴上的倾斜角度 方向舵偏角 方向舵左右偏转角度 空速 根据标准大气压下空速与动压关系测定的空速 垂直加速度 飞机在垂线上的加速度 纵向加速度 飞机在纵轴上的加速度 横向加速度 飞机在横轴上的加速度 下降率 飞机的垂直速度 FLAP1、FLAP2 飞机左右两边襟翼角度 表 2 异常航班数据检测的对比实验
Table 2. Comparison experiment of abnormal flight data detection
检测方法 准确率 召回率 F1 PCA+HMM 0.43 0.89 0.609 FCM+HMM 0.432 0.708 0.611 AHMM-AD 0.493 0.682 0.570 LTED-LSTM-HMM 0.600 0.968 0.741 -
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