Abstract:The distribution of mass, stiffness, and aerodynamic load all significantly alter during the folding wing’s deformation process, which is a highly complex dynamic process. This paper develops a high-performance coupled computing program based on shared memory technology to realize the effective analysis of the dynamic process. Based on this program, it integrates flight control technology, unsteady aerodynamic calculation software, and multi-body dynamics calculation software to build an aeroelastic morphing flight simulation platform. Finally, the powerful computing and analysis capabilities of the platform are demonstrated through the simulation of aeroelastic response and flight-folding process for a folding wing aircraft.
Key words:
- folding wing /
- morphing aircraft /
- dynamics simulation /
- aeroelasticity /
- flight simulation
表 1 飞行仿真模型主要几何参数
Table 1. Main geometric parameters of flight simulation model
折叠角/(°) 重心位置xcg/m 转动惯量Iy/(kg·m2) 0 (2.12,0,0) 4502 120 (2.12,0,0.24) 4675 -
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