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段继忠 王成菊

段继忠,王成菊. 基于多分类字典学习的灵敏度编码重建算法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(7):2123-2132 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0571
引用本文: 段继忠,王成菊. 基于多分类字典学习的灵敏度编码重建算法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(7):2123-2132 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0571
DUAN J Z,WANG C J. Sensitivity encoding reconstruction algorithm based on multi-category dictionary learning[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(7):2123-2132 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0571
Citation: DUAN J Z,WANG C J. Sensitivity encoding reconstruction algorithm based on multi-category dictionary learning[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(7):2123-2132 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0571


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0571
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61861023)


  • 中图分类号: TP391

Sensitivity encoding reconstruction algorithm based on multi-category dictionary learning

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (61861023)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    灵敏度编码(SENSE) 方法利用多个线圈的灵敏度信息来减少扫描时间,利用SENSE模型重构的图像易存在伪影,不利于医学诊断。为减少重叠伪影,提高磁共振成像质量,将分类图像块的快速正交字典引入SENSE模型中,得到一种基于多分类字典学习的灵敏度编码重建算法。该算法通过对图像块分类,在每个类中训练字典,得到不同类别的多个字典,运用交替方向乘子法进行图像重构。在人体脑部和膝盖数据上进行实验,结果表明:相比于TV-SENSE、TV-LORAKS-SENSE和LpTV-SENSE算法,所提算法的平均信噪比分别提高了1.53 dB、1.22 dB和1.05 dB,重构图像与参考图像的一致性较高,图像细节部分和边缘轮廓信息保留完整。


  • 图 1  AF=5、24像素×24像素ACS二维泊松圆盘欠采样时4个数据的信噪比随时间变化曲线

    Figure 1.  SNR versus time curves for four data at two-dimensional Poisson discs undersampling when acceleration factor is 5 and 24 pixel×24 pixel ACS

    图 2  AF=4时4种算法在欠采样数据1上的重构图像和误差

    Figure 2.  Reconstructed and error images for four algorithms on undersampled data 1 when acceleration factor is 4

    图 3  AF=4时4种算法在欠采样数据2上的重构图像和误差

    Figure 3.  Reconstructed and error images for four algorithms on undersampled data 2 when acceleration factor is 4

    图 4  AF=4时4种算法在欠采样数据3上的重构图像和误差

    Figure 4.  Reconstructed and error images for four algorithms on undersampled data 3 when acceleration factor is 4

    图 5  AF=4时4种算法在欠采样数据4上的重构图像和误差

    Figure 5.  Reconstructed and error images for four algorithms on undersampled data 4 when acceleration factor is 4

    图 6  22个数据在AF=3~7、24像素×24像素ACS 泊松圆盘欠采样时FDLCP-SENSE1与其他算法SNR的差值

    Figure 6.  SNR difference between FDLCP-SENSE1 and other algorithms for 22 data when acceleration factor is 3−7 and 24 pixel × 24 pixel ACS Poisson disc undersampling

    图 7  AF=4时对欠采样数据3重构的收敛性分析

    Figure 7.  Convergence analysis of reconstruction on data 3 when acceleration factor is 4 under undersampling

    表  1  AF=3~7时数据1在泊松圆盘欠采样下各算法的重构结果

    Table  1.   Reconstruction results of different algorithms for data 1 under Poisson disc undersampling when acceleration factor is 3−7

    TV-SENSE[15]24.0622.4020.9720.0519.070.97290.963 50.952 20.942 60.931 50.113 90.147 80.184 80.211 60.245 9
    TV-LORAKS-SENSE[16]23.8022.3221.1020.2419.280.970 00.960 80.951 00.942 60.932 20.108 60.139 40.171 60.196 30.230 0
    LpTV-SENSE[17]24.1922.6121.3220.4319.450.973 70.964 60.954 30.944 50.933 00.111 20.140 50.173 10.199 00.231 8
    FDLCP-SENSE124.8423.4022.3521.5920.520.977 10.969 80.962 10.955 70.944 90.100 30.125 20.150 30.169 10.203 9
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    表  2  AF=3~7时数据2在泊松圆盘欠采样下各算法的重构结果

    Table  2.   Reconstruction results of different algorithms for data 2 under Poisson disc undersampling when acceleration factor is 3−7

    TV-SENSE[15]23.7722.2420.8719.7919.040.966 20.955 40.943 70.931 60.922 40.105 50.134 20.167 50.198 70.220 5
    TV-LORAKS-SENSE[16]23.9722.5721.4020.3119.620.967 10.957 10.947 70.937 10.928 80.092 90.115 70.142 50.170 90.190 8
    LpTV-SENSE[17]24.1322.5721.2820.1219.290.969 40.958 70.947 90.933 70.922 90.098 00.125 30.154 60.188 20.210 6
    FDLCP-SENSE125.0923.8022.6121.4420.710.975 20.968 20.959 80.948 60.941 10.085 40.105 30.130 30.159 50.177 9
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    表  3  AF=3~7时数据3在泊松圆盘欠采样下各算法的重构结果

    Table  3.   Reconstruction results of different algorithms for data 3 under Poisson disc undersampling when acceleration factor is 3−7

    TV-SENSE[15]27.7826.3225.4124.5823.770.981 40.976 20.972 50.969 10.965 00.075 50.091 80.105 60.118 40.133 2
    TV-LORAKS-SENSE[16]27.7626.4425.6424.8924.180.980 50.975 30.971 80.968 70.965 20.070 90.085 20.097 50.109 80.122 9
    LpTV-SENSE[17]27.8526.4825.6424.9824.250.980 90.975 60.971 80.968 80.965 10.074 50.088 80.101 20.110 40.123 8
    FDLCP-SENSE128.6327.4726.7226.1525.510.984 10.979 90.976 90.974 30.971 50.065 90.077 20.087 40.095 80.105 3
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    表  4  AF=3~7时数据4在泊松圆盘欠采样下各算法的重构结果

    Table  4.   Reconstruction results of different algorithms for data 4 under Poisson disc undersampling when acceleration factor is 3−7

    TV-SENSE[15]19.0317.7316.9516.2015.690.923 50.902 40.888 90.877 30.866 60.227 50.278 20.309 10.345 50.376 6
    TV-LORAKS-SENSE[16]19.1517.9517.2516.5916.080.924 20.903 60.891 10.880 80.870 90.201 90.250 20.276 90.309 50.341 1
    LpTV-SENSE[17]19.0117.8217.1916.5916.110.921 60.899 70.887 10.876 50.865 20.216 00.267 60.289 50.317 90.343 8
    FDLCP-SENSE120.0118.9318.3017.7517.340.936 20.919 10.908 00.897 50.889 90.182 00.216 20.236 30.254 50.274 1
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    表  5  AF=3~7时22个数据在泊松圆盘欠采样下平均SNR、平均SSIM、平均HFEN差值

    Table  5.   Difference of mean SNR, mean SSIM, and mean HFEN for 22 sets of data at Poisson disc undersampling when acceleration factor is 3−7

    1.231.441.611.681.710.055 60.072 10.082 30.090 60.097 2−0.032 8−0.045 4−0.055 8−0.063 9−0.069 5
    0.851.061.261.431.510.007 10.009 80.012 30.014 00.015 3−0.014 2−0.026 5−0.037 5−0.049 4−0.058 2
    0.861. 60.038 20.043 20.047 50.050 6−0.023 8−0.031 4−0.036 8−0.041 5−0.043 9
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    表  6  AF=4时不同算法在欠采样的4个数据上的重构时间

    Table  6.   Reconstruction time of different algorithms on four data at undersampling when acceleration factor is 4 s

    数据1 38 153 15 27
    数据2 53 281 23 31
    数据3 213 866 41 63
    数据4 196 319 40 105
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