Lane line detection incorporating CBAM mechanism and deformable convolutional network
F 1平均值达到74.4%,验证了所提方法的有效性。Abstract:In order to meet the accuracy and real-time requirements of autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) for lane line detection, a CADCN lane line detection method incorporating convolutional block attention module (CBAM) mechanism and deformable convolutional network (DCN) was proposed. Firstly, the CBAM mechanism was embedded in the feature extraction module to enhance the useful features and suppress the useless feature responses. Secondly, DCN was used to replace the conventional convolutional network, and the geometric deformation of lane lines was learned by sampling with offset to improve the modeling capability of the convolution kernel. Finally, based on the idea of row anchor classification, the location point along the row was selected and classified, so as to predict the lane line location information and thus improve the real-time performance of the lane line detection model. The CADCN model was trained and validated on the public lane line dataset. While ensuring real-time performance, the accuracy rate of the model on the TuSimple dataset reaches 96.63%, and the comprehensive evaluation index
F 1 on the CULane dataset reaches 74.4%, which verifies the effectiveness of the algorithm. -
表 1 车道线数据集的详细信息
Table 1. Details of lane line dataset
数据集 总帧数 训练集 验证集 测试集 分辨率/(像素×像素) 标注方式 多天气 多时段 多线型 道路类型 车道数 场景种类 TuSimple 6408 3268 358 2782 1280×720 点坐标 是 是 否 公路 ≤5 1 CULane 133235 88880 9675 34680 1640×590 点坐标 是 是 否 公路、城市、农村 ≤4 9 表 2 CULane数据集场景分类及占比
Table 2. CULane dataset scene classification and proportion
场景 场景描述 占比/% 正常 驾驶员视野良好,车道线标记清晰可见 27.74 拥挤 道路上大量车辆缓行,车道线被车辆遮挡 23.39 夜间 晚上能见度低,车道线模糊,各类灯光干扰 20.27 无车道线 无车道线标记,通常道路狭窄且路边停车较多 11.73 阴影 天桥或高架桥下光线较暗,树荫或建筑阴影 2.68 箭头 车道线之间的直行、转弯、调头等标记 2.57 亮光 各类强光造成路边反光,道路上车道线不清晰 1.40 弯道 前方车道线弯曲 1.22 十字路口 十字路口中斑马线标记干扰,路口中间无车道线 9.00 表 3 TuSimple数据集上不同模型检测结果比较
Table 3. Comparison of detection results of different models on TuSimple dataset
表 4 CULane数据集上不同模型检测结果比较
Table 4. Comparison of detection results of different models on CULane dataset
方法 F1/% FP (十字路口) 平均值/% 帧率/(帧·s−1) 正常 拥挤 夜间 无车道线 阴影 箭头 亮光 弯道 LaneNet[10] 82.9 61.1 53.4 37.7 56.2 72.2 54.5 59.3 5928 61.8 44 DeepLabV2 87.4 64.1 60.6 38.1 60.7 79 54.1 59.8 2505 66.7 77.31 FastDraw[18] 85.9 63.6 57.8 40.6 59.9 79.4 57.0 65.2 7013 69.7 90.3 SAD[9] 89.8 68.1 64.2 42.5 67.5 83.9 59.8 65.5 1995 70.5 39.53 SCNN[8] 90.6 69.7 66.1 43.4 66.9 84.1 58.5 64.4 1990 71.6 7.5 PINet[19] 89.6 71.9 67.0 49.3 67.0 84.2 65.2 66.2 1505 73.8 35 CADCN 90.9 72.4 67.7 46.1 69.3 85.9 62.3 69.5 2016 74.4 92.4 注:加粗字体为每行最优结果。 表 5 消融实验结果对比
Table 5. Comparison of ablation test results
组别 可变形
意力机制准确率/% 1 95.87 2 √ 96.07 3 √ √ 96.23 4 √ √ 96.30 5 √ √ 96.63 -
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