Fault diagnosis of gearbox under open set and cross working condition based on transfer learning
Abstract:With the continuous development of industry and aerospace technology, the working conditions and failure modes of rotating machinery are becoming increasingly diversified and complex, and reliability and safety problems are becoming increasingly prominent. It is critical to research efficient fault detection techniques since many working condition data lack fault labels and the failure modes amongst various working conditions are asymmetric. Take the gearbox as the case verification object, set up cross-working conditions, and open set fault diagnosis scenarios. A method is proposed to address the issue of lacking fault labels under the target working condition. It takes into account the ability of migration learning to facilitate cross-domain knowledge application. Specifically, migration learning is used to transfer knowledge from the source working condition to the target working condition, and the cross entropy classification loss function is used to identify known fault types. However, transfer learning has the problem that the greater the field difference is, the worse the effect is. It is difficult to solve the open set problem of asymmetric fault modes under cross-working conditions. In order to identify the known and unknown classes of target working circumstances, a method utilizing a convolutional neural network to extract similar data characteristics between working conditions is proposed. The two classification loss functions are then used in this process. The joint loss function is proposed to train the diagnosis model and realize the joint migration of fault features from the source domain to the target domain. The results of the case analysis show that the method can realize cross-working condition fault diagnosis under an open set, and the average diagnostic accuracy is more than 90%.
Key words:
- rotating machinery /
- data-driven /
- open set /
- transfer learning /
- fault diagnosis
表 1 减速齿轮箱不同故障模式注入情况对比
Table 1. Comparison of different failure mode injections in reduction gearboxes
齿轮箱部件 故障模式 是否正常 故障1 故障2 故障3 齿轮 32T 正常 裂纹 正常 正常 96T 正常 正常 正常 正常 48T 正常 偏心 偏心 正常 80T 正常 正常 断齿 正常 轴 输入 正常 正常 正常 不平衡 输出 正常 正常 正常 正常 轴承 轴承1 正常 正常 滚动体 正常 轴承2 正常 正常 正常 滚动体 轴承3 正常 正常 正常 外圈 轴承4 正常 正常 正常 正常 轴承5 正常 正常 正常 正常 轴承6 正常 正常 正常 正常 表 2 基于DANN的开放集故障诊断任务设置及诊断结果
Table 2. DANN-based open-set fault diagnosis task setup and diagnostic results
任务 跨工况情况 源域故障模式数 目标域故障模式数 准确度/% P1 30~35 Hz 5 6 89.51 P2 4 85.64 P3 3 89.64 P4 2 78.85 P5 1 76.25 P6 35~30 Hz 5 6 73.04 P7 4 72.16 P8 3 83.57 P9 2 80.15 P10 1 81.93 -
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