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杨博 刘超凡 于贺 魏翔 樊子辰

杨博,刘超凡,于贺,等. 一种高超声速飞行器雷达测角误差的分析方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(12):3666-3676 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0879
引用本文: 杨博,刘超凡,于贺,等. 一种高超声速飞行器雷达测角误差的分析方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(12):3666-3676 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0879
YANG B,LIU C F,YU H,et al. A method for analyzing angle measurement error of radar on hypersonic vehicle[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(12):3666-3676 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0879
Citation: YANG B,LIU C F,YU H,et al. A method for analyzing angle measurement error of radar on hypersonic vehicle[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(12):3666-3676 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0879


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0879
基金项目: 中国航天智能控制实验室基金(ZDSYS-2018-03)


  • 中图分类号: TN953+.5

A method for analyzing angle measurement error of radar on hypersonic vehicle

Funds: Fund of Science and Technology on Space Intelligent Control Laboratory of China (ZDSYS-2018-03)
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  • 图 1  Helmholtz方程2项比值ln d随波长和湍流内尺度变化趋势

    Figure 1.  Variation trend in ratio of two terms of Helmholtz equation ln d as a function of wavelength and turbulence inner scale

    图 2  单脉冲比幅测角原理

    Figure 2.  Principle of single pulse amplitude ratio angle measurement

    图 3  阵列天线模型示意图

    Figure 3.  Schematic of array antenna model

    图 4  高超声速飞行器密度云图

    Figure 4.  Density cloud diagram of hypersonic vehicle

    图 5  电磁波传输仿真模型

    Figure 5.  Simulation model of electromagnetic wave transmission

    图 6  工况1下折射率云图

    Figure 6.  Refractive index contour plot under No.1 condition

    图 7  16 mm波长、−3°角偏差下理想电场等值线

    Figure 7.  Ideal electric field contour under 16 mm wavelength and −3° angle deviation

    图 8  工况1下电磁波传输数值仿真结果

    Figure 8.  Numerical simulation results of electromagnetic wave transmission under No. 1 condition

    图 9  工况2条件下电磁波传输数值仿真结果

    Figure 9.  Numerical simulation results of electromagnetic wave transmission under No. 2 condition

    图 10  工况3条件下电磁波传输数值仿真结果

    Figure 10.  Numerical simulation results of electromagnetic wave transmission under No. 3 condition

    图 11  工况4条件下电磁波传输数值仿真结果

    Figure 11.  Numerical simulation results of electromagnetic wave transmission under No. 4 condition

    图 12  飞行状态2 (40 km, 6 Ma)下折射率云图

    Figure 12.  Refractive index contour plot under flight condition 2 (40 km, 6 Ma)

    图 13  24 mm波长、−3°角偏差下理想电场等值线

    Figure 13.  Ideal electric field contour under 24 mm wavelength and −3° angle deviation

    图 14  不同波长下理想S曲线

    Figure 14.  Ideal S-curves at different wavelengths

    图 15  工况5条件下电磁波传输数值仿真结果

    Figure 15.  Numerical simulation results of electromagnetic wave transmission under No. 5 condition

    图 16  工况6条件下电磁波传输数值仿真结果

    Figure 16.  Numerical simulation results of electromagnetic wave transmission under No. 6 condition

    表  1  电磁波传输仿真参数

    Table  1.   Simulation parameters of electromagnetic wave transmission

    工况 波长/mm 高度/km 马赫数 是否弱形式梯度
    1 16 20 3
    2 16 20 3
    3 16 40 6
    4 16 40 6
    5 24 20 3
    6 24 20 3
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