Citation: | JIA Yuan, CAO Xiang, WU Jianghaoet al. Influence of suction flow control on aerodynamic characteristics of blended-wing-body aircraft[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(6): 1065-1071. doi: 10.13700/ Chinese) |
This paper studies a blended-wing-body aircraft with distributed propulsion, explores the influence of suction control (with suction position and suction momentum variables) on the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft in take-off and cruise state and explains the mechanism of the influence of suction flow control on the aerodynamic characteristics of the blended-wing-body aircraft. The results show that under the condition of high take-off attack angle, compared with the non-aspirated state, the maximum lift coefficient of the aircraft is increased by 7.16% when the aspirator is located in the outer wing segment (chord position being 0.05
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