ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Corpus-based Study on the Use of Delexicalized Word “Thing” by Chinese English Learners

  • 摘要: 非词语化是普遍存在的语言现象,而thing是常用的非词语化词之一。基于一个中国学习者语料库和一个本族语者语料库的对比,研究了中国学习者使用thing的特点。结果表明,中国学习者倾向于过度使用该词,而且存在许多语义模糊、冗余、替代和搭配不当的用法;但随着语言水平的提高,该词的使用频率显著下降,这说明中国学习者对该词的使用符合中介语的发展规律。结合研究结果尝试分析了这些特点的成因,发现学习者的词汇能力、学习策略、语言负迁移和中介语心理认知机制等因素造成了中国学习者过度及不当使用thing的现象。


    Abstract: Delexicalization is a very common language phenomenon and "thing" is considered to be one of the frequently-used delexicalized words. Chinese learners' use of "thing" was investigated using the two corpora WECCL (Written English Corpus of Chinese Learners) and NESSIE (Native English Speakers' Similarly-and Identically-promoted Essays). The results indicate that Chinese learners tend to overuse the word compared with native speakers. Meanwhile, there are a large number of improper uses of "thing" such as redundance, substitution, collocation and semantic errors. However, the frequency of the use of the word and such errors significantly declines with the improvement of the learners' language competence, which is in conformity with the development pattern of interlanguage. The overuse and improper uses of "thing" might be attributed to the learners-limited lexical competence and learning strategies as well as the effects of language negative transfer and the psychological mechanism of interlanguage.


