ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Deconstructing "Chinese Model": Connotation, Elements and Challenges

  • 摘要: 改革开放以来,中国取得了巨大的经济成就,这使得越来越多的学者关注中国并研究中国,进而促成了所谓的“中国模式”热。“中国模式”是中国在探索自己的独特发展道路的过程中形成的一整套制度设计,包括政治制度、经济制度、社会制度、文化制度及外交制度等五个方面。应切实推动制度创新、继续推进思想解放,大力培育社会资本,以实现“中国模式”可持续发展。


    Abstract: Since the reform and opening-up in 1978, China has been going through drastic changes and gained a lot in its economic field, which stimulates great curiosity and draws much attention around the world. Thus a hot research field "The Research of Chinese Model" came into being with more and more scholars becoming interested in studying China. This paper first discusses the inappropriateness of the connotation of "Beijing Consensus" and the appropriateness of the connotation of "Chinese Model", then points out that "Chinese Model" is a set of institutional designs developed by the Chinese government in exploring the unique development road. This paper argues that the "Chinese Model" mainly includes political institution, economic institution, social institution, cultural institution and foreign affair institution. This paper also points out the corresponding tactics to make the "Chinese Model" sustainable after analyzing the characteristics of and the challenges facing the subsystems of the "Chinese Model".


