There's No Longer A Here and A There: Hometown and Alien Land in Atwood's Novels
摘要: 故乡与他乡是玛格丽特·阿特伍德小说中的一对悖论,分析这两个主题一再出现的原因及其文化隐喻对于理解阿特伍德甚至加拿大文学都很有意义。长篇小说《神谕女士》与《肉体伤害》的主人公都选择远离加拿大的他乡作为逃避的场所,但在异国他乡一再显现的故乡的幽灵说明故乡是一个人无法逃离的生命印记,这正如加拿大是她们无法否认和摆脱的身份一样,接受它即是接受自我。故乡是主人公的过去、自我以及加拿大民族属性的隐喻;他乡则从另一个反面印证了这种包含加拿大民族性在内的自我是无法规避的。Abstract: The hometown as a metaphor of Canadian identity is one of the main recurring themes in Margaret Atwood's novels. Analysis of this theme is the key to understand both Atwood's work and Canadian literature. Most Atwood's female protagonists have the "hometown phobia" and "Mother" is their haunting ghost. As a matter of fact, both Hometown and Mother represent the protagonist's dark past. Atwood's protagonists often run to a distant alien place as an escape from their hometowns. But even in a foreign country, they cannot get rid of the haunting ghosts of their past. Atwood's aim in her writing is to emphasize the term of "Canadian identity".