Weak Protection and Party Autonomy in Private International Law
摘要: 意思自治原则作为国际私法这一调整国际民商事关系法律的基本原则,为大多数国家所接受,但在现实生活中双方当事人并不完全处于平等的地位,一味地坚持意思自治会损害弱势一方的利益。通过分析和研究国际私法,尤其是合同领域中意思自治与弱者保护,并结合《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》的颁布实施探讨了弱者保护的相关问题,指出应进一步将弱者保护确立为国际私法的原则之一,以更好地平衡双方当事人利益。Abstract: As the cornerstone of private international law,the doctrine of party autonomy has been widely accepted by most countries to adjust international civil and commercial relations. However, parties are not always entirely on an equal footing in real life and unquestioning adherence to party autonomy would infringe the interests of the weak party. This article analyzes party autonomy weak protection in private international law from the perspective of contract with a discussion about the legal issues related to the weak protection under the Law of the People's Republic of China on Choice of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relationships. The paper concludes that weak protection should be established as one of the principles of private international lawin order to better balance the interests of both parties concerned.