ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On the Concept of Space Asset under the Cape Town Convention

  • 摘要: 空间资产这一与航天产业融资人担保权益密切相关的关键概念首次由2001年《开普敦公约》引入,并在2012年《空间资产议定书》中详细定义。通过细考空间资产的定义与范围,比较其与联合国诸外空条约中空间物体的区别与联系,可以认为,公约项下空间资产的界定方式具备实践优势,在扩展可能涵盖之资产范围的同时避开了尚无定论的外层空间划界争议,但《空间资产议定书》于特定情形下延伸适用至航空器标的物的规定存在缺陷,可能引起规则适用上的不确定性。此外,空间资产在立法导向、价值考量与界定方式上区别于空间物体,且在范围上与后者存在部分重合。对空间资产概念的分析与考察有助于准确理解其对现行外层空间法带来的影响与挑战。


    Abstract: As a significant concept related to financers'security interests in space industry, space asset was for the first time introduced in the Cape Town Convention of 2001 and defined under the Space Protocol of 2012. By examining and analyzing closely this new concept, the paper clarifies the applicable rules related to space asset and aircraft object under the Aircraft Protocol of 2001, and compares the differences and similarities between space asset and space object under the UN Space Treaties. The paper holds the view that the approach adopted in defining space asset can circumvent the impasse of delimitation issue and broaden the scope of assets, which is practically advantageous. However, certain concurrence of applicable rules is possible between the Space Protocol and the Aircraft Protocol, which may cause legal uncertainties. Besides, the space asset is different from the space object in terms of legislation orientation, value and approach, but also there are similarities and overlapping areas. Study on the concept of space asset would contribute to the understanding of its influence and challenges for the current international space law.


