ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Study on Relation between Compensation for MH370 Flight Crash and Report of Air Accident Investigation

  • 摘要: 航空事故调查与空难事故损害赔偿是两种不同性质的法律关系,航空事故调查报告不能决定空难事故损害赔偿责任的有无,也不是确认事故损害赔偿责任的必要前提和惟一依据,事故调查的目的仅限于查明事故原因和预防事故再发生。航空事故调查报告对责任事故的性质认定可使事故受害人的损害赔偿突破法定赔偿限额,对裁量事故赔偿额度产生一定影响,但其对空难发生后达成的《空难赔偿支付收据暨解除责任书》不应发生影响。


    Abstract: Investigation of aviation accident and compensation for damages of air crash accident are two different legal relationship. The report of aviation accident investigation can-t decide if liability for aviation accident damages exist or not, because it is neither a necessary premise nor the sole basis to confirm the liability of an accident compensation for damages. The purpose of the investigation is just to find out the cause for the accident and prevent it from happening again. The nature of the accident ascertained by the investigation report may produce certain effect on accident damages, that is, to exceed the legal restriction of accident damages. The payment receipt of the air crash compensation and a declaration about remove the responsibility which is concluded after air crash should not be affected by the report of aviation accident investigation.


