ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Quantitative Evaluation of Eco-civilization Construction in the Perspective of Green Development

  • 摘要: 以北京林业大学“中国省域生态文明建设评价指标体系”和环保部“国家生态文明建设试点示范区指标”(试行)为蓝本,结合中共十八大报告关于大力推进生态文明建设的阐述,从“三个发展”,即绿色发展、循环发展和低碳发展的理论视角提出了一个由4个二级指标、12个三级指标组成的中国省域生态文明建设 量化评估指标体系。并对所得出的量化评估结果做了比较与理论分析,得出中国省域生态文明建设呈现为不同的阶段性模式或阶段性,即从一种低水平的均衡或不均衡逐渐向一种较高水平的不均衡或均衡方向发展,但也非常明显的是,即便在同一个集团内部,更多的个例属于一种3个主要指标表现不一致的非均衡状况,且中国省域生态文明建设中至少同样重要的2个维度是共同性与多样性。而从可获得的数据及其比较结果来看,并不明朗或乐观的是,经济社会生态化方面的努力,究竟能在何种程度上带来人们所期望的生态健康和环境宜居改善。


    Abstract: Based on Eco-civilization Construction Index for Chinese provinces (ECCI) and National Eco-civilization Construction Index for demonstration zones, as well as the exploration of eco-civilization at the 18th CPC National Congress, the article proposes an evaluation index for Chinese provinces, including four secondary indicators and twelve third-level indicators. A comparative analysis is carried on among the indexes. It concludes as following: the eco-civilization construction among provinces is in a state of unbalance, that is, from a low-level equilibrium or disequilibrium to a high-level equilibrium or disequilibrium. The commonality and diversity are two important indicators for the evaluation. However, it is difficult to tell how much can be achieved by economic and social efforts.


