ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


A Basic Issue of Marxist Cultural View:Utilizing Capitalist Culture to Build Socialism

  • 摘要: 继承资本主义文化成果建设社会主义,是马克思主义文化思想的一个基本问题。马克思和恩格斯对此作了初步探索,并且对落后国家提出这个重大历史课题。列宁对这个历史问题,做出比较系统的论证。中国共产党继承了马列主义这些基本原理,从理论方面扩展,从实践方面实施,否定了全盘西化和闭关锁国两种态度,为新时期中国共产党推动改革开放进程,建设中国特色社会主义,提供了理论基础和历史经验。


    Abstract: Utilizing capitalist culture to build socialism is one of the basic issues of Scientific Socialism explored by Marx and Engels. They put forward a historical problem of how to make the transition to socialism in underdeveloped countries. Lenin interpreted the actual problem in detail. CCP combined the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism with China's reality to make a progress theoretically and practically, denying Westernization and Seclusion Policy, which provided the theoretical basis and historical experiment for building socialism thought Reform and Opening Policy in new era.


