ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Study on Rural Fundamental Annuities Adjustment and Finance Burden Level

  • 摘要: 农村制度的建立和运行对解决农村居民养老问题起到了积极作用,但还存在着诸如基础养老金缺乏动态调整机制、中央财政负担水平不适度等问题,制约了养老保险制度的发展与完善。以CPI及农民人均纯收入增长率为假设条件,构建农村基础养老金动态调整机制,得到了动态调整后的农村基础养老金规模,并测算了中央财政的实际负担水平。通过设计农村中央财政适度负担水平模型,测算出中央财政理论适度负担水平,将其与实际负担水平进行比较,得出中央财政完全能够承担调整后基础养老金支付责任。


    Abstract: The new rural endowment insurance system has an active role in solving the problem of supporting elderly peasants, but at the same time it also has some defects such as lack of dynamic adjustment mechanism and immoderate central finance burden level. This article designs a new dynamic adjustment mechanism for the rural fundamental annuities and calculates fundamental annuities payment level and central finance actual burden level by forecasting the growth rate of CPI and the per capital net income of peasants. By designing a central finance moderate burden level model of new rural endowment insurance, this article reckons central finance theoretical burden level. Compared with the actual level, a conclusion can be drawn that central finance can fully bear the burden of fundament annuities payment.


