Self-effacing of Natural Law: From the Perspective of Hobbes' Natural Law
摘要: 自然法理论在应对法律实证主义的挑战之前,就已经不可避免地遭遇了一场深重的内在危机,并且为法律实证主义的兴起奠定了基础。在古希腊至近代自然观衍变的视域下,通过对霍布斯思想体系中"自然"和"理性"两个核心概念的深入分析,以及对《利维坦》中宗教论证部分的重新梳理,揭示了霍布斯对传统自然法理论基石的颠覆性打击,从而清晰地展现了自然法自我消解的内在理路。以此为据,进而确立了霍布斯作为法律实证主义思潮之理论先驱的地位。Abstract: The theory of natural law has suffered a serious inner crisis before the attack from legal positivism. It lays the foundation for the rise of legal positivism. This paper attempts to explore the inner logic of the theory of natural law with an analysis of the "nature" and "reason" of Hobbes' ideology from the perspective of evolution of ideas on nature from the ancient Greek to modern times. It also analyzes the argument of religion in Leviathan, revealing the disruptive strike against the basis of traditional theory of natural law. Accordingly it establishes Hobbes' status as the theory pioneer of legal positivism.