Reflections on Criticism of Instructional Design Technical Rationality
摘要: 教学设计技术理性批判有一定的合理性,但目前存在很多方面的误区:把以多媒体技术、网络技术为代表的媒体技术和教学模式的程序性、可控性等当成了教学设计技术理性的代表,体现了批判者对技术和技术理性等概念理解的狭隘性倾向;将教学设计技术理性的工具理性与价值理性完全对立起来,又缺乏辩证统一的思维方式。应该对教学设计技术理性的批判进行深刻的反思,结合技术理性的特征及功能,对教学设计技术理性的概念进行合理的重建。重建后的教学设计技术理性的意义主要体现在两个方面,即担负着对教学设计直接的理论指导作用和体现出促进教师专业发展的实践性意义。Abstract: There is some reason in instructional design technical rationality, but there are also misunderstandings: some people misunderstand mediatechnology which features multimedia technology and network technologyand routinization and controllability of teaching modelas the representatives of the technical rationality of instructional design. This reflectsnarrow understanding of technique and technical rationality on the part of the critics. Settinginstrumental rationality and value rationality of the instructional design technique in complete opposition will result in a lack of dialectical unification. Instructional design technique requires rational criticism and deep reflection. It is important to redefine the concept of instructional design technique through the binding of characteristics and functions of technical rationality. The significance of the reconstruction lies in two aspects: theoretical guidance and practical valuefor the professional development of teachers.