ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Relationship between Chinese Government and Social Welfare Organization: a Case Study of J Association in Henan Province

  • 摘要: 社会公益组织作为传播正能量的社会团体,是政府与社会组织的公益性的连结点。政府需要公益组织连接社会成员需求,获得社会认可;公益组织也希望得到政府的鼓励,获得公益影响。政府与公益组织良性互动的原因在于政府权威与社会自由之间的平衡。通过研究河南省J志愿者协会的发展现状,阐释了政府与公益组织良性发展的原因是政府职能边界的模糊性、公益组织的目标与政府具有一致性和公益组织必须适应环境的要求。


    Abstract: Non-Profit Organization(NPO) is supposed to spread positive energy. NPO is needed to help government meet the demand of its social members and gain the recognition of the society. NPO obtains public influence from the encouragement of the government. Sound interaction of the two parties depends on the balance between the authority of the government and the freedom of the NPO. The paper puts forward a case study on the the current development situation of J Association in Henan province. The paper suggests that a benign development between the government and NPO lie in the ambiguity of the government in terms of functional boundaries and role positioning. The paper also holds the opinion that the goal of the two sides should be the same and NPO should adjust itself to meet the demand of the environment.


