ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


State Responsibility for Damage Compensation in International Air Disasters

  • 摘要: 国际空难损害赔偿国家责任的存在具有正当性,禁止对民用航空器使用武力的国际法原则是基本要求,主权责任理论是国家责任承担的理论基础。马航MH17航班空难中,国际不法行为和损害后果在国家责任要件中是不容争议和辨驳的。国际空难可归因于国家的国际不法行为可包括一国武装力量的不当行为、一国国家航空器不当操作与他国民用航空器的相撞行为、一国不法分子对他国民用航空器的非法干扰行为、一国机关或个人的错误或失误行为、武装叛乱行为等,其中为武力袭击民航客机者提供武器装备的国家也具有一定条件下的可归责性。过错要件对于国际空难损害赔偿国家责任的方式和程度有重要影响。在不承认武装叛乱组织的国际法地位的前提下,乌克兰这个主权国家对马航MH17航班被导弹击落至少存在过失责任。国际空难损害赔偿国家责任虽有实现障碍,但依然有政治解决、国际诉讼和协商谈判的路径可寻。


    Abstract: State responsibility for international air disasters has legitimacy of existence. Banning the use of force against civil aircraft is the basic principle in international law. Sovereign responsibility theory also provides a theoretical basis for it. For MH17 crash, internationally wrongful acts and injury consequence are undisputable. In an air crash, attribution of conduct to a state includes armed forces'misconduct, collision of a state aircraft with foreign civil aircraft on account of improper operation, criminals' illegal interfering behavior to foreign civil aircraft, state's organ or individual errors or mistake, behavior of armed rebellion and so on. The state providing weapons for the attackers of the civil craft have certain imputations. Fault elements have important influence on the way and degree of state responsibility for international disaster. Ukraine as a sovereignty state at least has fault liability for MH17 crash. There are barriers to the implementation of state responsibility for the international air disasters, but there is still a path, such as political solution, international litigation and negotiations.


