Evolving“Collaboration Framework”of Government-Society Relationship in China: a Case Study on the INGO Regulation in Yunnan Province
摘要: 政社关系的建构是创新社会治理中的基础性、关键性议题。对云南省境外非政府组织管理政策的演变进行了实地调研与深入剖析,揭示出中国政社合作的 "发展型协同共治"模式,即政社关系的基本定位是基于对地区发展需求的共识,相关政策的制定与执行取决于政府部门间协同和基于社会服务的共治二元关系的建构。要探索更具可持续性的中国政社合作关系框架,须在云南"发展型协同共治"模式的探索上加强制度创新,改变旧有的管控思维,建立寓管理于服务之中的软性体系。Abstract: Government-society relationship plays an important role in innovating China's governance system. This research studied the evolution of International Non-Government Organization (INGO) policies in Yunnan and developed a "collaborative framework" of government-society relationship, which aims at solving regional development needs. Results show that the implementation of INGO policies largely relies on the intra-government cooperation and on the government-INGO collaboration to provide social services. To further explore a sustainable government-society relationship, institutional innovation and a more service-oriented governance system are needed.