Decisionism and Normativism in Modernity of Law: a Perspective from Carl Schmitt's Critique on Modernity of Law
摘要: 现代性描述的是现代生活和传统生活的差异,这一差异体现为现代生活的世俗化和理性化。在法律生活领域,世俗化会导致法律体系的价值多元主义和相对主义,理性化会导致法律生活的规范主义和实证主义。现代性对法律生活的影响呈现为正负两方面,一方面保卫了个人的自由权利和自主生活,另一方面则导致价值上的诸神之争和精神生活的贫乏。卡尔·施米特针对世俗化重提政治神学以强调有德性的自由主义,针对理性化重提法律的决断论思维以应对理性无法预知的生活危机。以此,借助施米特的遗产为人们反思法律现代性的和自由主义民主制的问题提供有益的启示,它可以完善人们对现代性的法律和民主制度的片面认识。Abstract: Modernity is termed to describe the differences between modern life and traditional life with rationalization and secularization as the distinctive features for the former. In legal field, secularization leads to value-pluralism and relativism, whereas rationalization positivism and normativism. Modernity has both positive and negative effects in legal field. For the positive effect, it protects personal rights and private life; for the negative side, it eliminates the meaning of life and causes ceaseless dispute over values. Carl Schmitt employed the conception of political theology to revive the virtue of liberalism, and criticized normativism of law. The legacy of Schmitt can help reflect the problems on the modernity of law and the liberal democracy, which will revise one-side attitude to law and democracy.