ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Teaching Concept and Learning Approach of Cultural Poetics

  • 摘要: "文化诗学"不仅是文艺学理论主张,它的基本精神也同样适用于文学理论教学。"文化诗学教学观"在基本教学理念上主张"理论—文本—经验"的三维拓展,它以"文学—文化—生活"的"三重经验论"为教学实践的基本立足点,以文本分析与理论思辨并重的"双向能力结构"为能力培养目标,倡导课堂教学以"生活—阅读欣赏—写作""一体三面"的学习途径来促成教学目标的实现。


    Abstract: Cultural poetics is not only a principle of literary theory, but also a teaching approach of literary theory. Cultural poetics advocates a three dimensionextension of "theory-text-experience"in teaching principle. With "triple empiricism of literary, cultural, and life"as the basic standpoint in teaching practice, it emphasizes a teaching goal of"double ability structure", namely text analysis and theoretical speculation. To achieve the goal, a learning approach of "life-reading-writing" must be adopted.


