ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


General Education of Technical University:Experience of General Education in MIT

  • 摘要: 北京航空航天大学的通识教育实践和探索取得了重要的成绩,率先在中国探索出了一条理工科大学的通识教育模式,在此基础上,其仍需继续借鉴麻省理工学院等世界一流理工科大学通识教育的经验。麻省理工大学通识教育经历了一个从无到有,不断发展壮大的历史过程,取得了重要的成就,很值得借鉴。其通识教育课程体系既考虑到了通识教育的一般规律,又充满理工科大学通识教育的特色,这尤其体现在它的人文、艺术与社会科学类通识教育课程体系的具体内容与安排上。此外,麻省理工大学通识教育课程的管理体系对中国理工科大学通识教育也很有借鉴意义。


    Abstract: The general education reform of Beihang University is very successful. It can be used as an example and reference for other technical universities. But Beihang University needs to learn the experience of other leading technical universities in the world, such as MIT. Through investigating the history of general education of MIT, it is found that undergraduate education at MIT has been highly successful. The general education curriculum of MIT, which named general institute requirements, is a good example to learn from. It not only comforts to the rule of General Education, but also has its own distinguishing features, especially humanities , arts and social sciences. General education curriculum, which is divided to three parts: distribution component, concentration component and elective component. Besides, the administration system of general education at MIT has also successful experiences for other universities to learn from.


