ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


History and Future of Harvard's General Education:Report of the Committee on General Education

  • 摘要: 本科生应当接受不同领域的博雅教育,这一信念对于21世纪乃至后世的美国教育而言都至关重要。在这份报告中,通识教育委员会肯定了哈佛大学旨在提供一种广泛且多样化学习的通识教育理念,重申了旨在提高学生自身素质和公民素质的自由教育的目标,而这一目标与主要为了学生在特定的专业或者职业领域做好准备的学习理念恰好反其道而行。这份报告将给哈佛大学的本科生教育带来一种更加深入的、也更具意义的教学思路,同时也能为学生遵从其自身的特定兴趣提供更加自由的发展空间。


    Abstract: That undergraduates should receive a broad education in a range of areas has been important to American education for a century or more. In this report, the Committee affirms Harvard's commitment to the ideals of a general education that aims to provide a breadth and variety of study. The Committee reaffirms the goals of a liberal education that aims to develop self and citizen in contrast to studies aimed primarily at the preparation for a specific profession or occupation. This report will give greater depth and meaning to a crucial segment of every Harvard undergraduate's education and provide students with more freedom to follow their own particular interests.


