ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On Reformation of Anti-corruption Agencies in China: Comparative Study between Hong Kong and Mainland China

  • 摘要: 十八大以来,中国共产党和中国政府在反腐败方面取得了许多历史性的突破,反腐败迎来了一个良好的开端。然而,要想把惩治腐败"进行到底",做到"不敢腐",就必须要把反腐败机构及体制改革到位,以提供可靠的制度保障。中国香港廉政公署是卓越反腐败机构的样板,其许多经验值得内地反腐败机构借鉴。通过对中国香港和中国内地反腐败机构的比较研究,明确内地在反腐败机构体制方面存在着一些的问题,指出卓越反腐败机构应当具备独立、权威、廉洁、专业四大特征。具备这四大特征是中国内地反腐败机构改革的终极目标,而进行整合型改革、职业化改革、组织结构改革是当前内地反腐败机构改革的三项重要任务。


    Abstract: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chinese government hasmade many historical breakthroughs in anti-corruption. However, fighting corruption to the end still needs steady support from scientific anti-corruption institutions and systems. The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong is an example whose experiencecan be used for reference for anti-corruption agenciesin Mainland China. The paper first clarifies problems of anti-corruption institutions in Mainland China and then indicates future reformationdirection by a comparative study between Hong Kong and Mainland China. The paper also puts forward four features that anti-corruption agencies should have,i.e. independence, authoritativeness, integrity and specialty. These features are also the analytical framework of the whole study. Holding the four-big features is the ultimate goal of the reformation of anti-corruption agenciesin Mainland China. There are three reformation tasks for them, i.e. integration reformation, professionalization reformation and organization structure reformation.


