On Rights to Use Low Altitude Airspace in the Content of Low Altitude Open-up Policy
摘要: 中国的低空空域改革已经进入到了攻坚阶段。在现阶段,必须转变低空开放的改革思路,从公权力管理模式向私主体权利模式大踏步迈进。因此,必须确立民众的低空使用权,这在一方面将有助于约束公权力的肆意干预,另一方面将为"军民共管"的空域改革提供理论支撑。中国现行法上的空域资源国家所有权仅仅是一种宣示性权利,其在私法意义上相当于罗马法上的公有物。因此,低空使用权并不与国家所有权相冲突。Abstract: Low-altitude airspace reform in China has reached the most crucial stage. At this moment, the reform should change from public management mode to mode of private rights. Establishing people's rights to use low-altitude airspace will contribute to constraint power of intervention from the government on the one hand; on the other hand will provide a theoretical support to the current reform of "civil-military co-management". State ownership of airspace is merely a declaratory right in public law. In the sense of private law, it should be considered as equivalent to "public goods" in Roman law. Therefore, rights to use low-altitude airspace are not conflict with the state ownership of airspace.